Mexican Salad with Corn Recipe
No matter how good it is at the dacha, there always comes a day when you need to return to the city on business… we have so much trouble with these moves back and forth that there is absolutely no time left for cooking… I came across this recipe when I was preparing for a master class – and realized that it was just salvation – satisfying, fast and delicious is not the right word!
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  1. Here are our products. Pre-boil the rice-it is very convenient to make rice for salad in bags. And I boil the beef in advance and send it to the freezer until difficult times – so that in a hurry and fuss there is always a piece of delicious boiled meat at hand.
  2. Now we cut all the ingredients and put them in a deep bowl. We also send boiled rice and corn there
  3. We prepare the dressing: to do this, mix vegetable oil, vinegar, ketchup, pepper, curry in a small bowl. Do not forget to add salt to the dressing.
  4. We pour our salad with ready-made sauce and serve it to the table with a lot of fresh herbs!
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