I have defined the cooking time as 1 hour, but our participation will take 10-15 minutes. The rest of the time, the products are prepared (baked and boiled) and cooled.
Bake the eggplants in the oven until soft (30 minutes). Boil chicken breasts in a small amount of water (add salt). Meanwhile, cut the mushrooms into plates. Remove the breasts and boil the mushrooms in the broth for 3-5 minutes.
The photo shows our finished products. Lecho for this salad is bell pepper stewed in thick tomato juice (I’m clarifying because I’ve seen recipes for lecho with butter, eggplant, zucchini). I have my own lecho, but I think it’s not a problem to buy it now.))
P.S. Don’t pour out the broth, it’s quite rich! I freeze it and add it to the soup.