To prepare this dish, we will need:
– chicken breast fillet without skin. As a rule, there is no fat on the breast, but if there is, it is desirable to cut it off. The average raw broiler breast fillet weighs about 200-250 grams.
– extra virgin olive or linseed oil. These oils are recommended by nutritionists as the most easily absorbed by the body, so they are acceptable for use in a low-fat diet. Do not be afraid that the oil may burn, we will not allow this.
– Limon. Or rather, three round slices, the more the better.
– Salt to taste. Two pinches are enough for my taste, but here, as they say, for taste and color …
I didn’t specifically mention any spices in the ingredients, this is the necessary minimum. If you feel that something is missing, you can experiment.
Yes, do not forget about the foil, so that it does not turn out that everything is already prepared, and suddenly there is no foil at home)