Omelet with Mushrooms in Spanish Recipe
This wonderful omelet will win your hearts! It is prepared for one or two and there is a full guarantee that the omelet will appeal to you.
  1. Chop the mushrooms coarsely. Cut the green onion into 1.5-2 cm.
  2. Put the mushrooms and onions in a bowl, add a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar and let it stand for literally five minutes. I added rice vinegar for sushi, it turned out very well.
  3. Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the mushrooms with onions for five minutes, add a little salt, given that there will still be cheese in the omelet.
  4. Beat the eggs lightly, add your favorite spices and grated cheese to taste, stir everything.
  5. Pour the omelet into a frying pan heated with oil, cook for literally half a minute.
  6. As soon as the edges of the omelet are gripped, lay out the mushrooms, cook over low heat, lifting around the edge with a spatula or fork.
  7. Fold the edges of the omelet to the middle with an envelope or just in half, another minute and you’re done.
  8. Cook and enjoy! Delicious, fast, budget-friendly! For the third day in a row, we start the morning with this omelet.
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