Potatoes, beets and carrots need to be boiled “in uniform”, and this can and should be done in advance. Peel the vegetables.
Put all the vegetables in the salad and chop the apple very finely. It’s delicious. Finely chop the red onion and pour cold water to remove excess bitterness, let it stand for 15 minutes while we cut other products. Put the sliced cucumber, parsley, and apple in a salad bowl. An apple is always cut with a ceramic knife, so it stays for a long time without darkening. Yes, in all vinaigrettes and salads, try slicing vegetables with a ceramic knife, they do not oxidize. We spread the red onion, throw it on a sieve to drain the water from it. Pour in 1 tbsp . l . sunflower oil, mix and put the peas, after draining the liquid from it.