For the filler, I took a ceramic mold with a size of 14x20x5cm.
I put the crushed mass out of the bowl of the combine, added finely chopped garlic and freshly ground black pepper.
Garlic can be squeezed out, but I like it to be finely chopped in aspic. Put garlic to taste, 2 cloves are enough for me.
I need about 500 ml of broth to dissolve gelatin in it, following the instructions on the package. What kind of gelatin will you have? Read the instructions for its preparation.
strain 0.5 liters of broth through cheesecloth. My broth has a beautiful color. I dissolved gelatin in it and warmed it up to about 60 °C. So I had it written on the package.
I poured the chopped chicken meat with carrots into the mold, distributing the whole mass with a spatula. I poured broth with gelatin 400 ml. the contents of the mold should not be completely liquid.
She covered it with a lid, let it cool down and put it in the refrigerator overnight.