I forgot about the classic cutlets in a frying pan, having tried this miracle (I tried it in the Crimea, begged for a recipe). They are prepared quickly, the taste is very delicate, and even what beautiful ones!!!
To the minced meat, add salt, pepper, seasonings to the meat, finely chopped garlic and dill, soaked in milk or water and twisted in a meat grinder loaf, 2 eggs, knead
well and form tortillas (I have 12 pieces).
Place them on a greased baking sheet.
Cut the cheese, onion, tomato, pepper (I did not have it today) into thin slices (circles).
On a meat tortilla, we spread: ketchup-onion-mayonnaise-tomato-mayonnaise-cheese. A circle of pepper is pressed around the filling and the filling itself is also lightly crushed inside. In the preheated oven-180*C 30 min.