Chicken Soup with Spinach “Excellent” Recipe
Rich, but light, healthy and delicious chicken soup with spinach. Great soup!
Servings Prep Time
4 10minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
4 10minutes
Cook Time
  1. Put the frozen spinach in a cup. There is no need to completely defrost it. Enough to make the spinach thaw a little.
  2. Prepare chicken broth using your favorite spices-seasonings. (Bay leaf, pepper, dill, parsley root, salt.)
  3. Remove the chicken from the broth, separate the meat from the bones, and disassemble into slices. Drain the broth (you will get about 2 liters of broth).
  4. Carrot cut into strips, onion – half rings, garlic cut arbitrarily.
  5. Fry the vegetables in vegetable oil until transparent. In parallel, put the pan with the broth on the stove and bring it to a boil.
  6. Put the diced potatoes in the boiling broth. Cook for 10-15 minutes over medium heat until the potatoes are tender.
  7. Add the spinach to the pan, bring to a boil and cook for just a minute.
  8. Put chicken, fried vegetables, cherry tomatoes cut into 4 parts (or one large tomato, cut quite large), chopped greens in the soup. Add lemon juice and taste the soup with salt, add salt if necessary. Bring to a boil, immediately turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and let the soup brew for 20-25 minutes.
  9. Serve the soup with boiled egg.
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