The products for the dish are all measured and calories are counted. In order for the peppers to be dietary, you need to make the minced meat yourself, taking the fillet from the chicken breast without skin and films. I’ll make minced meat in a chopper. The small amount of meat I always make in it is very convenient. I will add onion, salt and pepper to the minced meat, and if the minced meat is dry, then 1 tbsp of drinking water. I will break it into a homogeneous mass, but without zeal. Rice should be boiled in salted water. This can be done in advance. I’ll take some small Bulgarian green peppers for stuffing. For the beauty of the finished dish, I will leave the tails, leveling them evenly. I will lay them on the board with a stable side and with scissors I will cut out holes from above with a width of about 1 cm and a length of about 3 cm. To make the minced meat brighter, I will cut off a small piece of red bell pepper.