Okroshka “Dankowska” Recipe
Dankov, this is a small town on the Don, where I spent my summer childhood. So, maybe not only my grandmother cooked the soup, but my mother also cooked it, so I cook it.
Servings Prep Time
3 5minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
3 5minutes
Cook Time
  1. Finely chop the onion and dill, add a generous handful of coarse rock salt.
  2. Onions and dill should let the juice.
  3. Cut the cucumber into small cubes, add to the pan. We also grate the cucumber on a grater.
  4. Next, boil the eggs, cut into cubes.
  5. Beef should be boiled. Cut the meat into cubes or arrange it into fibers.
  6. Stir from bottom to top and for two minutes. Let it brew for at least 15-20 minutes.
  7. Potatoes were served separately… in a frying pan. Peel the potatoes, chop and fry until golden brown in vegetable oil.
  8. Put a tablespoon of mustard on the bottom of the plate (to taste), then cut the soup and pour cold white kvass. Serve with sour cream (or without it, as anyone likes).
  9. Ready)
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