Halva Sunflower without Flour Recipe
According to this recipe, it turns out just delicious halva, one in one like a store, with only one difference – it does not stick to the teeth)) flour is not used in the preparation and I consider this an undoubted plus. In my opinion, the most successful recipe I have tested is not complicated, but it is necessary to accurately perform all the nuances of cooking and then you will definitely get a great, crumbly, fibrous halva.
Cook Time
Cook Time
  1. First of all, fry the seeds, preferably in a cast-iron frying pan. Important! you do not need to fry too much until the seeds begin to smell pleasantly and they will not turn golden. If you fry more, the halva may taste bitter.
  2. Next, we pour our seeds into a blender and grind them for a long time.
  3. You should get a paste-like mass, about as thick as boiled condensed milk. It will take at least 20 minutes (if you have a powerful blender, maybe less).
  4. Boil the syrup. To do this, pour sugar into a saucepan, fill with water and put on fire. Do not stir the syrup during cooking! Bring the syrup to a temperature of 121 degrees (+ -1 degrees). If there is no thermometer, you can drop a drop of syrup into a glass of water, it should turn into a chewy caramel. If a drop spreads through the water, then do not trust it, if it has turned into a hard caramel, it will be digested.
  5. While the syrup is cooking, whisk the protein into a fluffy foam.
  6. When the syrup is ready, the protein should also be ready. Pour the syrup in a thin stream into the protein with continuous whipping. Try not to let the syrup fall on the mixer blades. You will get a lush white mass.
  7. Combine the seeds and the protein-sugar mass, gently mix from bottom to top.
  8. Important! do not mix the mass for a long time, otherwise the fibers will be damaged. Transfer the mass into a mold or form a whole piece of halva and refrigerate for 3 hours. That’s all the halva is ready! Enjoy your meal!!!
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