My daughter does not like to drink milk, but after preparing this drink, I was surprised. The kid drank it with great pleasure. The taste is very delicate and pleasant. In a word, these are “healthy drinks”.
Autumn is the time of the freshest fruits and vegetables, so, girls, today we will prepare a real source of beauty and health. There is a long winter ahead – the bears are fattening up, and we are stocking up on natural vitamins, strengthening our health and at the same time losing excess fat.
This cocktail reminded me of summer… Gentle sun, warm sand and a light, refreshing breeze. Prepare this cocktail and you will be transported to the sea.
A fragrant and delicious cocktail. It will cheer you up and lift your mood for the whole day. It also has medicinal properties. You definitely need to try it.
It was a new and very interesting drink for me! I was also pleased that the drink is made on the basis of green tea! There is a solid vitamin “C” here – it is found in green tea, grapefruit, blackberries, and even more so in lemon! A very cheerful and refreshing cocktail.
This light summer cocktail is simply delicious. If you pick strawberries, you will discover a new use for it in drinking. Considering the love of children for berries, ice, fragrant tea and all kinds of soft drinks, I came up with this cocktail, and we had a real holiday.
Not everyone likes tea with viburnum because of its specific smell and bitter taste, but everyone knows about the healing properties. Viburnum tea is useful for boosting immunity and for fighting the autumn cold. There is a saying: not to be a Viburnum is a raspberry. But this is not the case. Viburnum surpasses raspberries in its medicinal properties. Viburnum has diaphoretic, antipyretic properties, it is a good antiseptic. Viburnum berries kill mold, bacteria and colds. If it is not possible to filter or boil water, you can put a bitter bunch of viburnum at the bottom of the vessel and after 2 hours you can drink water without harm to your health. Viburnum berries can be added to regular tea and drunk with honey.