Very tasty crumbly cookies Drömmar-one of the favorite Swedish delicacies, usually served with coffee. Cookies are prepared very, very simply and quickly.

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Very tasty crumbly cookies Drömmar-one of the favorite Swedish delicacies, usually served with coffee. Cookies are prepared very, very simply and quickly.
I suggest the option of cookies when you do not want to mess with the oven. Baking in the oven is very good, but it is not always possible. For example, in a small dacha you do not have an oven, but there is a stove. It is not difficult to prepare such a simple cookie, even a young hostess can cope with the work. Cookies are prepared very easily and quickly, and it turns out very tasty.
Why Devonshire? The name comes from the county of Devonshire, in the south-west of England. These places are famous for their beautiful landscapes, seaside resorts and traditional tea drinking. Tea is served here with skins, strawberry jam and melted thick cream. By the way, the British are divided into those who first spread jam on the scones, and then put cream on those who do exactly the opposite: first cream, then jam. And I found the recipe for these scones from the British culinary writer and TV presenter Mary Barry.
I am very partial to Turkish pastries, so I periodically follow new recipes, I subscribe to several Turkish channels. About a year ago, the presented recipe got into my cookbook. It won me over with its simplicity of preparation, unusual appearance and, of course, taste. The cookie is called Dondurma kurabiye, which translates as ice cream cookies. It turns out that the cookies are very tasty, fragrant and crumbly. It can be prepared with chocolate, cocoa, nuts, mint, etc. Help yourself!
I am surprised at myself, I invent and bake delicious cookies. If they had told me about it a few years ago, I wouldn’t have believed it, I would have just grinned. Today I offer quite useful cookies, cottage cheese and carrots make it easy and delicious. I especially recommend baking for children who do not like cottage cheese and carrots.