Mayonnaise is a French cold sauce made from egg yolk, vegetable oil, mustard, vinegar, salt and sugar, sometimes mustard. This is a classic composition of a culinary product, but its cooking technologies vary. Mayonnaise can be high-calorie, medium-calorie and low-calorie. Also, the sauce is classified into dietary and snack.
How to Make Mayonnaise at Home?
It is very easy to prepare mayonnaise at home. To do this, it is enough to have a mixer or blender. For the preparation of mayonnaise, a blender is preferable, since the whipping speed is higher. To make homemade mayonnaise look lush and airy, vegetable oil is poured into a blender in a thin stream and whipped at a very high speed. Gradually, yolks and other ingredients are added to the oil. The whipped vegetable oil turns white and yellow, just like a real purchased mayonnaise. During the preparation of homemade mayonnaise, you can add additional products, for example, garlic, honey, nutmeg, ground black or red pepper.
How to Use Mayonnaise?
In cooking, mayonnaise is used to prepare various fish, meat and vegetable dishes. The sauce is an excellent dressing for salads, able to emphasize their taste. It is impossible to imagine such a salad as olivier without mayonnaise.
The culinary product complements soups, second courses, snacks, it is used as gravy for pasta and potatoes, marinade for barbecue, as well as as a basis for cooking tartare and other sauces. The product does not go well with sweet dishes, but it is sometimes added in small quantities to knead shortbread dough.
Poke is a traditional Hawaiian dish that has recently become popular with us along with sushi and Asian rolls. The dish is an appetizer-salad, the ingredients in which are not mixed but are laid out on top of cereals (rice, quinoa). The main ingredient is fish and seafood. If you are tired of sushi, pizza and burgers-try this dish from distant exotic islands!
Carrot and chicken salad tastes very satisfying and spicy, due to smoked cheese and spices. The main thing is not to over-salt this salad, since smoked cheese is very salty.
Hi, today I want to share with you one recipe. This time I prepared “Stuffed chicken thigh rolls” This dish is prepared as always simply, but it turns out very tasty. I will not distract you for a long time, let’s start cooking!
I recommend cooking this delicious salad. An excellent combination of products makes this salad very tasty, appetizing, fragrant, with a slight sharpness, thanks to Korean carrots. You should try it out!
I love this salad for its simplicity and amazing taste. For me, the recipe for this tuna salad is a real find, as they say – a lifesaver when unexpected guests come. A great combination of just three ingredients makes this salad hearty, delicious and beautiful!
Very tasty and hearty liver salad with onion and cucumber. I also love it for the fact that it is prepared literally in 20 minutes. Chicken liver can be replaced with both pork and beef. And fresh cucumber can be replaced with salted. It is delicious both in warm and cold form.