The Perfect Cheesecake Recipe


Once I set out to make a cheesecake, like in a pastry shop. After cooking several times according to different recipes, I did not get the desired result. Some turned out as a casserole, as a cottage cheese pie, others-as a jelly with the taste of cottage cheese. Through trial and error, after reviewing a bunch of recipes, I brought my own. Unexpectedly, I got the perfect taste and consistency!!! At one time I did it every weekend for a couple of months) Don’t be alarmed by looking at such a large amount of information. I tried to point out all the nuances to make it work for You. It is also important that it is done very simply and quickly. All the manipulations take 15-20 minutes, you will only have to bake and stand for several hours in the refrigerator. I usually do it in the evening, and in the morning you can already treat yourself) Having made it once, you won’t want any cakes)

Chocolate Cake with Persimmon “Admiration” Recipe


I met an interesting cake recipe, with a rich and interesting legend, but with a terrible name… Everyone admired him, Agatha Christie even described him in one of her famous detective stories. I, however, to get away from the original… and, first of all, from the name, changed the filling and simplified the decoration. It’s great to start Sunday morning with a Cup of coffee and a piece of chocolate “delight”, I recommend.

Chocolate-Caramel Cake with Pumpkin Bird’s Milk Recipe


In the confectionery world, sliced cakes have recently become very popular. I want to offer one of the options for such cakes with the “Queen of Autumn” – her Majesty pumpkin. Imagine for a moment: a chocolate-caramel sponge cake, combined with the most delicate air cloud of pumpkin bird’s milk, with a Cup of fragrant coffee – a great start to the weekend. Presented? I assure you that this delicacy is definitely worth cooking.

Chocolate and Caramel Dessert with Cowberries Recipe


Do you want a restaurant dessert in the autumn days? You can cut out even circles for a spectacular presentation or just crumble the cake in layers, pouring cream and caramel-it will be equally delicious. The cake looks like a brownie. Tip: infused dessert in the Assembly tastes better when soaked. Sour berry dilute the obvious sweetness. It turns out the perfect taste!