Hot fish dishes are as diverse as meat, poultry or vegetables, so the choice of hot fish dishes is great – from simply pan-fried steaks to complex casseroles with assorted fish.
The only main rule that you should follow in the preparation of fish hot is the freshness of the fish itself. Next, choose a recipe that is suitable for cooking time and method. The most popular cooking methods are baking in the oven or microwave, grilling and frying in a frying pan. And the most useful option would be steamed fish. If you decide to bake fish in the oven, there are also options: you can bake the fish whole with a minimum of spices or in the form of a roll of salt; pre-stuff it or just bake it with vegetables.
Cooking a fish casserole will require a little more effort, since you will need to thoroughly clean the fish from the bones (if you cook from whole fish).
Whatever recipe or cooking method you choose, think about a suitable accompaniment to the fish hot. Potatoes (boiled, baked, mashed) or vegetables have always been considered a classic accompaniment to hot fish. Ideally, it would be nice to prepare a sauce that will emphasize and complement the taste of the fish dish.
Congrio fish is called shrimp fish for a reason: its taste really resembles the taste of shrimp. The meat is both quite dense and at the same time juicy and tender. You can cook it in any way, I chose the most traditional: fried in a pan in a light flour breading. Pre-marinated a little. It turned out so well that the 700-gram package – 6 pieces – my wife and I were able to do in one sitting. When specifying the cooking time, I do not take into account the time spent on marinating the fish: it took me two hours, but it can be less.
Baking anything in foil-meat, fish, poultry, vegetables – almost always gives a perfect result. The product retains its natural taste and is stewed in its own juice. Pink salmon itself is not fat at all, so I always baked it, stuffing it with lard.
Baked trout with pears and nuts will decorate the festive table and gray everyday life. Pear notes and nutty crumbs will complement the delicate taste of trout and will not leave indifferent even the most discerning gourmets!
If you are a fan of fried Pollock (or other sea fish), I recommend another option. Cold fillet appetizer with pickled onions and herbs. Very tasty, with hot potatoes… Mmmmmm…
I’m back with the fish. A simple but delicious dish that will take 20 minutes to prepare and about an hour in the oven. Perfect for a Sunday family dinner, as well as for guests.
Of course, there are many recipes for fish cutlets on the site, but mine is still different. Can you imagine a combination of salmon and ginger? Then help yourself to my cutlets.