Cocktail with Viburnum Recipe


Not everyone likes tea with viburnum because of its specific smell and bitter taste, but everyone knows about the healing properties. Viburnum tea is useful for boosting immunity and for fighting the autumn cold. There is a saying: not to be a Viburnum is a raspberry. But this is not the case. Viburnum surpasses raspberries in its medicinal properties. Viburnum has diaphoretic, antipyretic properties, it is a good antiseptic. Viburnum berries kill mold, bacteria and colds. If it is not possible to filter or boil water, you can put a bitter bunch of viburnum at the bottom of the vessel and after 2 hours you can drink water without harm to your health. Viburnum berries can be added to regular tea and drunk with honey.

Sangria “Leaven” without Alcohol Recipe


Summer heat, so I want delicious coolness! Many people like the Spanish drink Sangria – citrus fruits, wine, iced water, fruit. And why not replace wine and water with kvass? It is very harmonious, with a sweet and sour taste, fresh, slightly tingling. For a picnic, for guests, children and for yourself – Sangria “Kvass” – try it? If you want sangria for adults – replace tea with red dry wine – you will be pleasantly surprised by the taste of the drink!

Ginger Syrup Recipe


Ginger is a wonderful immunomodulator! Ginger syrup is recommended for colds, coughs and indigestion, destroys malignant cells, and the substance that gives a sharp taste to hot pepper can lead to a decrease in the incidence of pancreatic cancer. Add it to tea, take a teaspoon in the morning after a meal, and you will see that energy and health are with you again! Be healthy and don’t get sick!

Honey Buttermilk Cocktail Recipe


A combination of medicinal plants such as sage and linden can help in autumn and winter not to get sick. Increases immunity and reduces the risk of acute respiratory infections. In addition, sage and lime tea (one tablespoon of dried plants per liter of boiling water) perfectly helps with various diseases of the respiratory tract, being an excellent expectorant that helps to cleanse the bronchi and lungs of mucus. To increase the effectiveness, it is recommended to add milk and a little honey to this tea. I used to do this until this recipe caught my eye. True, there are no lime trees here, but, I assure you, the warming effect of this is no less. Therefore, I recommend drinking it at night to go to bed after it.

Tea Cocktail “Autumn’s Kiss with a Citrus Flavor” Recipe


For me, autumn is an abundance of citrus fruits. And the color of autumn, and the smell – all of them! And what if it’s still quite green in the South, and autumn is only on the calendar? Therefore, my autumn cocktail with a citrus note, it is exciting, fresh, insanely fragrant and full of vitamins that are so necessary in autumn.