Sponge Cake “Russian Forest” Recipe


You can’t just walk past the market and not buy anything. Again I took berries, this time blueberries, dried Rowan and rose hips. So this time I decided to make a cake with the taste of wild berries and the aroma of fragrant herbs. With a sponge cake on mineral water. The rich taste of berries and spices will be balanced with a delicate butter cream. The weather is bad-cold and wet. On the street only when necessary. So we will eat cake and imagine ourselves on a forest walk.

Brazilian Carrot Cake Recipe


Carrot cupcakes are good all year round, but right now carrots are the sweetest and juiciest, so I suggest that you do not delay the preparation of this wonderful dessert for a minute! The cake turns out very tasty-moist (but not wet!), soft, tender, moderately sweet… This is the most that neither is a Brazilian recipe, moreover, it is already a classic of modern Brazilian baking. The dough for it is prepared in a very ordinary blender, which is very convenient. As the Brazilians say- ” Misturou, está pronto!” (“mixed and done!”). And Bolo de cenoura is unthinkable without chocolate icing, so do not exclude it, especially since it differs from the usual options.