Easter is the occasion when you can cook truly festive dishes. On Easter, believers and fasting people will have to talk.
The festive table for Easter is the pinnacle of culinary skill, the focus of a variety of delicacies and treats. It was at Easter that people traditionally allowed themselves to indulge in various goodies, all those that were forbidden to eat during the fast. The Easter menu on this day includes dishes of meat, fish, mushrooms, vegetables. By setting the table for Easter with various dishes, people traditionally gave free rein to their imagination and their culinary desires. But in this way, believers have also always emphasized the greatness of this day. And they started preparing the Easter table menu, as well as the dishes themselves, a week before the holiday.
Today, when preparing a festive table for Easter, the recipes with photos that you want to cook need to be carefully evaluated in terms of their compliance with the meaning of the holiday, your needs and wishes. It should still be remembered that Easter is a religious holiday, and not just an excuse to drink, have a snack, just “sit down”. Be careful not to overeat. This is especially true for fasting people who observed abstinence.
A Few More Tips on This Topic
– along with meat dishes, some fish delicacies can be served to the table: stuffed fish, aspic;
– baked vegetables, rice are best suited as a side dish;
– do not forget to consecrate bread and eggs in the temple before organizing the festive table.
I offer you an appetizer of pumpkin pancakes stuffed with chicken liver pate. I didn’t expect pumpkin and liver to go together like this. It’s delicious!
If you like zucchini as much as I do, then you will also love this recipe! I will tell you more that it was liked very much even by my family, who do not share my love for zucchini. This is a great snack for a festive table!
A great dessert option for the whole family. The pie is very tasty and tender. Shortbread perfectly complements the soft and tender curd-custard filling. This pie just melts in your mouth. It is very satisfying, and at the same time delicious and healthy.
This baked chicken with a delicious and rich filling will be a decoration not only for a home lunch, but also for a festive dinner! The chicken languishes in the oven for quite a long time, the meat turns out tender and juicy! A filling of rice, apples and chestnuts seasoned with sweet thyme, cinnamon and hot pepper will be just the perfect side dish for such a bird.
I suggest you prepare a very delicious dessert: crumbly nut base, tender cream and sweet figs. This is a treat for a sweet tooth! I got the idea for this dessert on the website haseimglueck.de I made some changes of my own and I share the result with you. The proportions are given for a shape with a diameter of 18 cm.
The drumstick of a Turkey baked with orange slices, onion and garlic in a soy-honey-mustard coating. It is not only festive, looks beautiful on a plate, but also very tasty, tender and flavorful meat with the addition of baked vegetables!
I present you one of my favorite dishes! This is a Riet from a duck. I love duck. A Riet is a type of French pate. And it is prepared quite simply, though relatively long. Well, those who don’t like duck can make a chicken salad like this. And if you got a goose, you can make it out of a goose or any other bird)
Why not cook a bruschetta on a picnic?! Personally, we love sandwiches on a grilled baguette, and different fillings and spreads always change the taste. The main addition will be a grilled Turkey, and vegetables can be added to Your taste. Recommend.
I offer another version of the well-known and much-loved cake with a win – win combination of chocolate and cherry! Mega-chocolate cake, rich, moderately sweet and flavorful!
Nutty sponge cake, with a delicate layer of cream souffle with prunes and dried apricots added to it, will adorn any festive table. The cake is well soaked in syrup and very juicy. This dessert does not use butter, but the taste of this cake is simply delicious.