Easter is the occasion when you can cook truly festive dishes. On Easter, believers and fasting people will have to talk.
The festive table for Easter is the pinnacle of culinary skill, the focus of a variety of delicacies and treats. It was at Easter that people traditionally allowed themselves to indulge in various goodies, all those that were forbidden to eat during the fast. The Easter menu on this day includes dishes of meat, fish, mushrooms, vegetables. By setting the table for Easter with various dishes, people traditionally gave free rein to their imagination and their culinary desires. But in this way, believers have also always emphasized the greatness of this day. And they started preparing the Easter table menu, as well as the dishes themselves, a week before the holiday.
Today, when preparing a festive table for Easter, the recipes with photos that you want to cook need to be carefully evaluated in terms of their compliance with the meaning of the holiday, your needs and wishes. It should still be remembered that Easter is a religious holiday, and not just an excuse to drink, have a snack, just “sit down”. Be careful not to overeat. This is especially true for fasting people who observed abstinence.
A Few More Tips on This Topic
– along with meat dishes, some fish delicacies can be served to the table: stuffed fish, aspic;
– baked vegetables, rice are best suited as a side dish;
– do not forget to consecrate bread and eggs in the temple before organizing the festive table.
To publish this recipe, I wanted to after a recently exposed recipe, home-made, good meringue or meringue, it was called French. Therefore, everyone who is interested in how to prepare real French meringues (meringue) is invited to visit! The basis of cooking a recipe from a very famous Greek pastry chef Stelios Pallaresa (French school).
I offer you a creamy souffle based on Japanese green tea matcha. This is a delicate dessert with a very fine structure, an extraordinary color and an incredibly pleasant, amazing taste.
Delicate and very beautiful mousse cake. The cake consists of chocolate sponge cake, raspberry puree and raspberry mousse. It literally melts in your mouth.
Cake for special occasions. To prepare it, you need first of all a refrigerator. I was preparing it for my brother’s wedding anniversary. The original sweet crunchy base and light curd-wine filling with grapes will not leave anyone indifferent.
A beautiful, delicate mousse cake that just melts in your mouth. The cake consists of four layers of different colors. The creamy blueberry flavor of this cake is sure to please you.
All citrus fruits have a rich invigorating aroma and a special taste with a slight sourness. Bright citrus fruits will be an excellent base for a home-made dessert. You can use them to make cupcakes and muffins, souffles and mousses, cakes and sweets. Prepare a delicious grapefruit cake. The flesh of fresh grapefruit fills this dessert with an intense citrus flavor that is simply impossible to resist. Immediately warn, grapefruit not everyone will like, because it combines three flavors: sour, sweet and bitter.
Mini cheesecakes with”Oreo” cookies are easy to prepare, tender and delicious. Due to their small size, they look very cute and are perfect for a festive table, and will also appeal to children. This dessert does not need to be baked, which is important in the summer heat, when you do not want to turn on the oven.