Simple Chocolate Dessert Recipe


The simplest chocolate dessert with just two ingredients will appeal to a sweet tooth. Served as ice cream, frozen or just as a chilled dessert. It holds its shape perfectly and has a delicate pudding texture. Perfectly combined with fresh berries or whipped cream!

Herring under “A New Fur Coat” Recipe


Probably, someone already knows this recipe, I recently tried it for the first time. I liked this option very much, the salad turns out to be lighter and fresher than its classic version. I suggest leaving the classics for the new year holidays and try this salad in a lighter, “summer” version. This is very tasty, my friends!

Cupcake “Black Forest” Recipe


It is so delicious that you should definitely cook and try it. A moist, rich chocolate cake, lots of bright, juicy cherries with a slight sourness, a layer of sweet, creamy ganache on white chocolate and all this is covered with chocolate icing!!! To say that it is delicious is not to say anything!!! We really liked this cupcake! I hope you will like it too!