Pancakes of Broccoli Recipe


Broccoli fritters are perfect at any time of the day, whether it’s for Breakfast, lunch or dinner. Especially for those who monitor their weight and health. Pancakes can be an independent dish or serve as a side dish. You can serve them both cold and hot. And so, and so it will be delicious.

Salad with Potato Recipe


I don’t know why my colleagues called this simple and tasty salad, but I guess it’s from his ability to ruin your waist in no time, especially if you allow yourself to eat more of it! And it can be very difficult to avoid this – all because this salad turns out to be very tasty!

Mushroom Salad Recipe


This salad in our family always takes pride of place both on the festive table and at the family meal, will not disappoint anyone, everyone who has tasted it expresses sincere pleasure. I heartily recommend it!