Crepe Suzette-French Pancakes Recipe


Crepe Suzette pancakes are a famous French dessert that has become a real classic. Thin pancakes (crepes) in a thick, fragrant, spicy orange syrup are definitely worth a try, especially since it is not difficult to cook them at all and it will not take much time. You can distinguish crepes from pancakes by a thin, crispy edge and the absence of holes.

Quick Cookies in a Frying Pan Recipe


I suggest the option of cookies when you do not want to mess with the oven. Baking in the oven is very good, but it is not always possible. For example, in a small dacha you do not have an oven, but there is a stove. It is not difficult to prepare such a simple cookie, even a young hostess can cope with the work. Cookies are prepared very easily and quickly, and it turns out very tasty.

Portuguese Cakes “Pate de Nata” Recipe


“Pasteis de nata” cakes with custard. These cakes are called “Pate de Belem”, all other “fakes” are simply called “Pate de nata”. Today I have chosen from all possible options a “fake” recipe with the “least” amount of sugar and will use milk instead of cream. Careful, it’s sweet! But very tasty! The Portuguese love sweets!