Bright Sunny sorbet of mango and nectarines, with a pleasant sourness of grapefruit! Mint sauce, piquantly complement and decorate an incredibly delicious and refreshing dessert!

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
These candies can be made from any fruits and berries. And for those who have a juicer, the recipe is especially useful. I always feel sorry to throw away the cake left over after making juice, because there are so many vitamins and fiber left in it. Whenever possible, I try to use it when cooking different dishes. Today I want to offer you to cook a marmalade dish. It will take 10 minutes.
Summer heat, so I want delicious coolness! Many people like the Spanish drink Sangria – citrus fruits, wine, iced water, fruit. And why not replace wine and water with kvass? It is very harmonious, with a sweet and sour taste, fresh, slightly tingling. For a picnic, for guests, children and for yourself – Sangria “Kvass” – try it? If you want sangria for adults – replace tea with red dry wine – you will be pleasantly surprised by the taste of the drink!