In culinary and household terms, sugar is called sucrose – an ordinary food sweetener that is obtained by processing sugar cane or sugar beet.
The white color of sugar is achieved during refining, but at the same time its individual crystals remain colorless. Many varieties of sugar contain different amounts of vegetable juice – molasses, which gives the crystals different shades of white color.
Sugar is an indispensable ingredient in many drinks, dishes, confectionery and bakery products. It is a familiar additive to coffee, cocoa and tea; confectionery creams, ice cream, icing and sweets cannot do without it. As a good preservative, white sugar is used in cooking jam, making jelly and other products from fruits and berries. Today, white sugar can be found almost everywhere, even where it is not expected to be found. For example, it may end up in low-fat diet yogurt or sausages, as well as in the manufacture of canned meat.
White sugar on sale is in the form of granulated sugar and refined sugar in pieces. Granulated sugar is packed in bags of different capacity, usually from one to fifty kilograms. Dense polyethylene bags are used, inside of which a film is additionally stretched to protect the contents from moisture and the spillage of crystals. Refined products are packed in cardboard boxes. The high hygroscopicity of white sugar causes certain requirements for its storage. The room where the product is located must be dry, protected from temperature fluctuations. Storing it at high humidity will lead to the formation of lumps. Sugar has the ability to absorb foreign odors, so you should not keep it near products with strong flavors.
White sugar is very high in calories – almost 400 kcal per one hundred grams of the product, and its composition consists entirely of carbohydrates. Therefore, when dieting, it is recommended to limit the use of this product in its pure form (for sweetening coffee or tea) and in the form of various sugar-containing drinks, cakes, cookies, etc.
I looked through a lot of recipes for homemade marshmallows on the Cook, but I didn’t find marshmallows on baby puree. Mashed potatoes do not need to be boiled. Marshmallows quickly stabilize. After depositing the marshmallows, in an hour, the marshmallows are ready. It is not necessary to buy marshmallows in the store to enjoy a delicious dessert. Marshmallows can be easily prepared at home. Marshmallows are very tender, airy, natural and very tasty. Cooking dessert is quite simple, even a novice cook can cope. Bon appetit to everyone
One of the most famous desserts in the world is the Italian panna cotta. It translates as “boiled cream”. Today I propose to cook it with lemon liqueur.
“Dutch baby”, “Dutch Baby”, also Dutch baby pancake, German pancake, Bismarck, or Dutch puff is an American pancake or pancake that is baked in the oven, rises and bursts during baking.
Not to bake a biscuit with a berry in the summer is a crime, yes, yes… In order not to be “arrested”, we will bake mini biscuits with raspberries and almonds, as in a pastry shop on the banks of the Seine. I recommend it.
Crepe Suzette pancakes are a famous French dessert that has become a real classic. Thin pancakes (crepes) in a thick, fragrant, spicy orange syrup are definitely worth a try, especially since it is not difficult to cook them at all and it will not take much time. You can distinguish crepes from pancakes by a thin, crispy edge and the absence of holes.
I really like cupcakes. And it’s easy to bake, and the taste is interesting. The dough for cupcakes can be cupcake, sponge cake or even shortbread. I have a vanilla cupcake base. Vanilla Patisserie filling and cream cream for “hats”. Berries on cupcakes are like a cherry on a cake)
In our family, this is the most favorite and delicious drink for the winter. Rich, concentrated taste with bright notes of summer! Cooking is very simple and fast!
I suggest the option of cookies when you do not want to mess with the oven. Baking in the oven is very good, but it is not always possible. For example, in a small dacha you do not have an oven, but there is a stove. It is not difficult to prepare such a simple cookie, even a young hostess can cope with the work. Cookies are prepared very easily and quickly, and it turns out very tasty.