Whipped Coffee-Tiramisu Recipe


Recipe based on Dalgona coffee, known as whipped multi-layer coffee. By the way, something resembling Greek coffee FRAPPE. This version is made from regular instant coffee in granules, but is rich in tiramisu flavors and served with crunchy savoyardi. I love multi-layered coffee drinks – and this one has as many as 5! We really like it, try it and you!

Soup with Rice and Curry Vegetables Recipe


I continue to make healthy soups during this time period. Beautiful, simple and very delicious. Today I will offer you a soup of frozen vegetables, which of course is still almost everyone who has prepared them. Chicken broth soup, spicy, with rice, with a rich taste and warming. Thanks to the spices: curry; Basil; marjoram, it is suitable for raising your immunity.