Noodles with Meat and Vegetables “Chapche” Recipe


This is one of the brightest dishes in Korea, it is often prepared for a festive table. They say that the reigning monarch in the 17th century did not have a day that he did not taste a portion of chapche, he loved it very much. I have, as always, the most approximate version, as far as possible. P.S. The amount of pepper and garlic is indicated for medium-sharp taste, if desired, you can add.

Beef “A La Roast Beef ” Slow Cooking Recipe


Roast beef is fried beef in English. The variety and quality of the meat, the weight of the piece and the degree of roasting are of great importance for cooking this dish. I have everything much simpler, a small piece of steamed beef, pepper and salt, a little time and “a La roast beef” on the dining table. The main thing is to cook with inspiration.