I want to share with you a simple recipe for chicken fillet. The dish turns out to be very tender, and with an original taste, I advise everyone to prepare it.
Chicken Liver Recipe
|Chicken Fillet Baked in Tomato Sauce Recipe
|Chicken on the Grill Recipe
|Spicy Deep-Fried Chicken Wings Recipe
|Chicken Wings with Sesame Seeds Recipe
|Chicken Thigh in Jerusalem Marinade Recipe
|Chicken Chops for Gourmet Recipe
|Chicken Drumsticks with Rice Recipe
|Sometimes you don’t want to bother with cooking, from the word at all. But, our condition and reluctance few people care, they need to be fed more than once a day. At such times, I prepare very light, time-consuming dishes, such as chicken drumsticks with rice. The main thing is to cook with inspiration.
Juicy Chicken Breast with Rosemary Recipe
|Juicy and spicy chicken breast with rosemary, Basil and thyme, with potatoes on ketsi. A frying pan made of red clay (smaller size) or black stone (larger size). It is used in Georgian cuisine. Allows you to prepare juicy flavorful dishes with a minimum amount of fat. Have the same property of the Russian Latka and Bulgarian SAC. You can use any clay dishes for baking in the oven. Healthy food.