Open sandwiches can be called snacks in a hurry, which are very quickly prepared and also eaten quickly. The fact is that this dish is very tasty and practical, and whether it will look original depends on your imagination.
Cooking open sandwiches does not require skill and culinary talents – you just need to take a piece of bread up to 1.5 cm thick and put layers of everything that you think is delicious on it. It is important that the products are combined with each other, although in the photo of open sandwiches for the festive table you can see exotic things – for example, butter with pineapple, duck and pear with garlic, dor blue with cranberries, processed cheese with grapes and plums. Many people prefer the classic recipes of open sandwiches, these are sandwiches with sprats and eggs, with sausage and cheese, cheese and butter, with butter and red caviar. The piquancy of the sandwich is given by a ruddy cheese crust – for this, the top layer is sprinkled with grated cheese, and the dish is put in the oven or microwave.
The modern technology of making open sandwiches has become more complicated, more refined ingredients have appeared, and people’s tastes have changed. Imported cheeses, broccoli, capers, chorizo pork sausage, arugula, avocado, mango and other delicacies appeared in the sandwiches.
Delicious and healthy Breakfast, a guarantee of health. I offer you a version of sandwiches that cook very quickly, their taste will not leave anyone indifferent.
A hot dog on a picnic is a gastronomic treat. If you want to please your loved ones, prepare hot dogs from homemade sausages (sausages) from Turkey minced meat with cabbage salad and something else… Come in!
Hot picnic sandwiches can be prepared very quickly. All you need is Turkey meat, white bread, and vegetables. Minced meat with all the additions can be prepared at home, although in nature it can be made instantly. You will get a great appetizer or just a snack before the main dishes. These sandwiches can be made at home, and your children will appreciate this food.
Delicious hot dogs with a delicate bathe-grilled Turkey, complemented with melted cheese and fresh vegetables. A spice will add mustard. These hot dogs will perfectly complement your outdoor activities!
Why not cook a bruschetta on a picnic?! Personally, we love sandwiches on a grilled baguette, and different fillings and spreads always change the taste. The main addition will be a grilled Turkey, and vegetables can be added to Your taste. Recommend.
Salted mushrooms with onions and sour cream and black bread … A familiar combination? I love him since childhood. I suggest trying this combination as a hot sandwich. Believe me, it’s delicious!
Friends, I want to introduce you to excellent, delicious sandwiches with a crispy crust and the taste of real pizza, which are prepared quickly, but the result is very, very happy!!! Recipe from the series “fast, simple, delicious”, great for Breakfast, snacks at work, in nature!!! Pizza and sandwich lovers-come visit, you will be satisfied!