Tea is a whole philosophy, its most devoted fans are sure. And the signature recipe for making tea is in stock for each of them. It does not have to be an exquisite black tea with bergamot or a rare variety of elite green tea.
There are more than a thousand types of tea known in the world. And when you are invited to drink tea, it is better to immediately clarify which of the many varieties is meant. In addition, there are also herbal preparations, which are also often attributed to the same drink, although they are made from completely different natural materials (not the leaves of a special tree): roots, stems, herbs, cones, branches, dried fruits, flowers and more. Recipes for delicious tea allow you to prepare different drinks even from the same variety, because its taste is influenced by many factors, such as the time of collection of tea, temperature, water composition, brewing time.
Vitamin tea at home is not inferior in taste and useful properties. Excellent tonic teas, loaded with antioxidants, are obtained from rosehip, mountain ash, blackberries and many other berries.
How to Make Homemade Tea?
Chop the berries, pour them with boiling water in a thermos, insist for a couple of hours, then strain. Such a delicious and healthy drink can be sweetened with honey or, conversely, add sourness in the form of lemon slices. These and other fruit tea recipes perfectly strengthen the immune system, help to cope better with colds and cheer up.
Another priceless pleasure of tea gourmets is homemade herbal tea. Now this drink is becoming increasingly popular. Homemade herbal tea perfectly quenches thirst, enriches the body with useful substances, helps to treat many diseases and keep the figure in perfect condition. Well, in summer, when the heat kindles an unquenchable thirst, a recipe for iced tea will always come to the rescue. It can be prepared from almost any kind of tea and supplemented with different fruits or berries, creating delicious combinations. Homemade teas will help diversify your family menu at any time of the year and please the body with a shock portion of useful substances.
Tea with the addition of currant leaves is full of flavors and is a real storehouse of vitamins. After all, black currant leaves are an excellent source of vitamin C, useful fatty acids, polysaccharides and antioxidants. You can always combine options by mixing different leaves. I added the leaves of cherry and mint.
Usually tea is brewed with almost boiling water, cooled, and added fruit-berries ice. This tea is based on a different technology. And the result is quite different! Tea is brewed cold, infused for 12 hours in the refrigerator
Tea with the addition of currant leaves is full of flavors and a real storehouse of vitamins. After all, black currant leaves are an excellent source of vitamin C, useful fatty acids, polysaccharides and antioxidants. You can always combine options by mixing different leaves. I added the leaves of cherry and mint.
I do not know if you dry cherry leaves for tea for the winter, but if not, then next year you will definitely dry them. After all, tea made from dried cherry leaves is so exquisite and fragrant! And if you add tangerine peels to it, you will get tea, almost like green with bergamot. It’s nice to enjoy them at home on a winter day or take them on the road in a thermos. For an afternoon snack with cheesecakes – so it’s a holiday in general!
Very tasty tea, I found on one of the sites, the same evening I brewed it and brought it to life, so to speak). The tea was very fragrant, warming, with subtle notes of mint and rosemary. Come to the seagulls!
While fresh strawberries are pleasing, we suggest you try a spicy tea with strawberry flavor and aroma! If desired, tea can be prepared with your favorite spices. An addition to the finished tea is liquid honey or your favorite jam!