Many of the foods we use in our daily lives are not suitable for young children. That is why children’s dishes at home are often very different from adult food: they contain fewer spices, undergo a slightly different heat treatment, for example, instead of frying, food is steamed and this list can be continued for a long time. Every woman should learn how to cook children’s dishes, because in the future she will become a mother. That’s why collecting and writing down recipes for children’s dishes is not only exciting, but also useful.
What are Children’s Dishes Good for?
First of all, all the recipes are very tasty.
Secondly, children’s recipes all consist entirely of healthy products.
Thirdly, it is usually attractively decorated (in a ready-made form), so that the baby appreciates the work of mom (or dad) and necessarily ate at least a piece of the finished delicious dish.
A person who does not know how to cook recipes for children at all will easily learn this art by simply carefully studying children’s recipes with photos. Such culinary recipes cannot be called too complicated, and therefore the training will be easy and tasteful.
The food is beautifully decorated, it will always seem to children much tastier than the one that looks “boring”. This is the basis of all children’s recipes – they should not be “boring” in any case. If not by sight, then at least by taste.
Learning to cook good children’s options, any cook gets used to cooking delicious, high-quality, healthy, nutritious children’s dishes.
We suggest you to study our section dedicated to the children’s menu, where you will be able to find recipes of delicious dishes for children in large numbers. Of course, every mother has her own opinion about what is useful for her child. Therefore, our recipes for children with photos will help you find a dish for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner that you and your child will definitely like.
I suggest the option of cookies when you do not want to mess with the oven. Baking in the oven is very good, but it is not always possible. For example, in a small dacha you do not have an oven, but there is a stove. It is not difficult to prepare such a simple cookie, even a young hostess can cope with the work. Cookies are prepared very easily and quickly, and it turns out very tasty.
I offer the Cooks delicious Turkish pastries, the filling of which is wrapped in a thin dough, and then placed in a spiral in a baking dish. Berek is prepared with different fillings, but I decided to combine different fillings in one pie. Come on in, try it 🙂
A simple, affordable cake for an afternoon tea party. Of course, in the season we take fresh plums and rhubarb, I took it from the freeze. The shape is 24 cm in diameter, the height of the pie in the center is 5 cm
The recipe from the chicken thigh is for those who do not want to stand at the stove stirring and turning. It is practical to use the time when the dish is being prepared – for other things! At the same time, get an excellent result from soft and juicy meat!
I want to treat you to a dish of zucchini in a crunchy cheese crust, which can be a great snack for foam. In the recipe, I use two cooking methods. Come in, try it and choose the right one for yourself. Both options are juicy and crispy.
Devonshire clotted cream is no longer cream, but not yet butter. Tender, creamy-sweet, and amazingly delicious. In Devonshire, farmers have been preparing them using ancient technology for many many years. The secret of production, as usual, is different for everyone and is not particularly disclosed. But here I met a recipe on the Internet how to cook melted cream at home, in the oven. In Devonshire, this clotted cream is a mandatory part of afternoon tea. They are served with skins. The scones are cut lengthwise, spread with strawberry jam, and put a spoonful of melted cream on top. It’s divinely delicious!
Why Devonshire? The name comes from the county of Devonshire, in the south-west of England. These places are famous for their beautiful landscapes, seaside resorts and traditional tea drinking. Tea is served here with skins, strawberry jam and melted thick cream. By the way, the British are divided into those who first spread jam on the scones, and then put cream on those who do exactly the opposite: first cream, then jam. And I found the recipe for these scones from the British culinary writer and TV presenter Mary Barry.
A very popular dessert “Balparmak” is part of the group of Turkish pastries, which are soaked in syrup. It turns out tender, juicy and sweet. The recipe was first described in the cookbook of the great Ottomans, which was published in 1844 and is stored in the Topkapi Palace.
These are not pies or cheesecakes, but lovers of buckwheat and all cottage cheese will like it! Especially if you dip it in sour cream. And they are also good for a snack in the heat.