“Dutch baby”, “Dutch Baby”, also Dutch baby pancake, German pancake, Bismarck, or Dutch puff is an American pancake or pancake that is baked in the oven, rises and bursts during baking.

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
Crepe Suzette pancakes are a famous French dessert that has become a real classic. Thin pancakes (crepes) in a thick, fragrant, spicy orange syrup are definitely worth a try, especially since it is not difficult to cook them at all and it will not take much time. You can distinguish crepes from pancakes by a thin, crispy edge and the absence of holes.
I suggest the option of cookies when you do not want to mess with the oven. Baking in the oven is very good, but it is not always possible. For example, in a small dacha you do not have an oven, but there is a stove. It is not difficult to prepare such a simple cookie, even a young hostess can cope with the work. Cookies are prepared very easily and quickly, and it turns out very tasty.
If you, like me, have already eaten fresh berries, tried all desserts and even salads, try strawberry soup! According to this recipe, it turns out very refreshing (just perfect for the heat), not sickly sweet, with a bright combination of berries, aromatic herbs and sauce! The minimum number of products and the simplest preparation! What else do you need in hot summer!?!
Devonshire clotted cream is no longer cream, but not yet butter. Tender, creamy-sweet, and amazingly delicious. In Devonshire, farmers have been preparing them using ancient technology for many many years. The secret of production, as usual, is different for everyone and is not particularly disclosed. But here I met a recipe on the Internet how to cook melted cream at home, in the oven. In Devonshire, this clotted cream is a mandatory part of afternoon tea. They are served with skins. The scones are cut lengthwise, spread with strawberry jam, and put a spoonful of melted cream on top. It’s divinely delicious!