Lunch is the most important meal of the day, during which several dishes are usually served, and this makes some sense. According to Ayurveda, it is at noon that the stomach is most active, so even heavy food is perfectly digested and absorbed by the body. The most delicious recipes for lunch necessarily include a salad or an appetizer, the first and second course, dessert and a drink, although in everyday life it is sometimes possible to eat only the second – and more often without dessert. Nutritionists recommend eating soup and a second course for lunch, everything else is at the request and capabilities of the eater.
If you cook meat for lunch, prepare vegetables for it. There are a lot of options for what to cook from meat. If you are interested in a quick lunch, you do not want to mess with meat, you can cook a quick lunch by baking meat in the oven. If you have minced meat, then we will tell you what to cook for lunch from minced meat. Cutlets, meatballs, pasta with meat, meat casserole — all these are meat recipes for lunch from minced meat. Ask yourself what to cook delicious fish for lunch, and you will see that in fact you have dozens of options. Similarly, you will find many answers to the question of what can be cooked delicious from meat and mushrooms.
Sometimes it is important to choose a quick meal for lunch, which does not require much time to prepare and at the same time perfectly satisfies hunger, provides the body with all the necessary vitamins and nutrients, maintains a high level of efficiency and makes it possible to live up to dinner. As a second course for lunch, stuffed sweet peppers, chicken curry with rice, potatoes with cheese and broccoli with chicken meatballs, shrimp in garlic sauce, pork rolls with pasta and a snack cake made of polenta with cheese are suitable.
I love this dish very much-it’s rich, delicious, and flavorful. In the season, I cook it from fresh vegetables, and in the winter I use a frozen mixture.
The other day I went to the vegetable store, and taaaam such an aroma of late autumn apples, like in an Apple orchard! This fragrance turned my head, I really wanted Apple pies, but I didn’t have time to do them, so I got an improvisation on the theme…
Recipe from the Bulgarian chef Ivan Zvezdev. This name is also from him))) Very tasty and satisfying banitsa, with sweet tea is very well combined. It tastes like the Turkish coast.
Today I will make cutlets according to an ancient recipe that I was taught for the first time in my life. But I will make some changes to this recipe. I will describe the original recipe and today’s one. If you are interested, please come in. Cutlets are very tasty, meat and juicy.
Let’s make pasta “Alfredo” with a far Eastern accent for your favorites. The recipe for “Alfredo” sauce was invented by the Roman chef Alfredo Di Lelio to please his wife.
This dish is a godsend for cases when you need a hot appetizer or a quick side dish. The dish will perfectly complement the taste of meat or fish steak.
These cakes can be eaten instead of bread or served with tea. Tortillas are very complex and delicious. They can even be stuffed to your taste. Everything is easy and very tasty. Bon appetit.
I love deep autumn-slaughtering of cattle, excellent steamed meat and the most autumn vegetable, universal pumpkin, because in soup and on the side, in desserts and drinks, almost any dish can be prepared with it. For example, for hot beef meatballs with vegetables in pumpkin. Recommend.