Breast of Goose on the Grill Recipe


I bought a wonderful goose at the market to make confit legs and wings. The skeleton put it on the broth for soup. But the breast! It deserves to become a separate dish, quite refined and beautiful. Goose, of course, need home. Those that are sometimes found in butcher shops are most often frozen and Packed so that you will never guess what you bought until you defrost it.

Sponge Cake “Russian Forest” Recipe


You can’t just walk past the market and not buy anything. Again I took berries, this time blueberries, dried Rowan and rose hips. So this time I decided to make a cake with the taste of wild berries and the aroma of fragrant herbs. With a sponge cake on mineral water. The rich taste of berries and spices will be balanced with a delicate butter cream. The weather is bad-cold and wet. On the street only when necessary. So we will eat cake and imagine ourselves on a forest walk.