What do you associate autumn with??? For me personally, autumn is a bright, colorful autumn of multicolored colors… the rustle of leaves underfoot.. bright umbrellas during light drizzling rain… a warm blanket and delicious tea with cake.. I suggest you, my dear ones, get comfortable and enjoy a delicious delicate cake!!! Soft soaked sponge cake, tender souffle and juicy peaches are sure to give you moments of pleasure, peace…
For me, pumpkin is the most autumn vegetable. It’s delicious and healthy, especially I love it in baking. I recommend such a delicious, juicy and fragrant cupcake.
Today I have a recipe for apple pie. Everything is very simple and fast, but most importantly – very tasty. There will be a lot of apples and a small dog, which is absolutely not felt. It’s probably more like dessert. And with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, it will turn out to be generally delicious. Orange candied fruits are added to give a “raisin” taste. We really liked this cake!!
A simple familiar dough stuffed with seasonal vegetables. I used to prepare the dough for pouring on mayonnaise, but today without it, only on yogurt. Such a pie with a rich filling will replace your second course, for example, for dinner. I recommend serving warm, warmed up. Form 21 cm in diameter.
Do you like cottage cheese pastries? And the Apple? There are few indifferent people. And I have for you a recipe for cottage cheese cookies with apple filling, and even with dried cranberries and sprinkled almonds. What could be tastier for family home tea parties on autumn evenings.
Autumn is the time for apple pies, especially since the year turned out to be very apple! It’s a great idea to bake such a pumpkin pie: the charlotte turns out even sweeter, soaked in pumpkin juice. Half of a pumpkin serves as a baking dish – and, therefore, it dirties the dishes less. Very fragrant, delicious and original!
I discovered very delicious Spanish cupcakes-Magdalena. These are very delicate and fragrant cupcakes inside and crispy outside. They have their own cooking features and a noticeable cap with cracks that does not settle after baking. The combination of cinnamon and honey always warms me in the cold autumn weather. It’s time to try them out!
Knecht Ruprecht is a companion of St. Nicholas in German folklore. Tradition says that he comes to the houses on St. Nicholas Day and asks the children if they know how to pray. If they can, they buy apples, nuts, gingerbread. Knecht Ruprecht cake from German cuisine.