Hot Drink “Anti-Colds” Recipe


It’s already autumn in the yard, it was cool in September, colds clung again, and the virus penetrates into the blood. But we won’t let them! Drink to calm down instantly! Honey is the neck that we need for nutrition – apples in a glass! Currant is like a vitamin, with her disease we will quickly win! Cinnamon – immediately warms the blood, cloves – gives flavor. Lingonberries drive away the liquid, and vodka should help her! And tea is extremely pleasant.

Tea Cocktail “Autumn’s Kiss with a Citrus Flavor” Recipe


For me, autumn is an abundance of citrus fruits. And the color of autumn, and the smell – all of them! And what if it’s still quite green in the South, and autumn is only on the calendar? Therefore, my autumn cocktail with a citrus note, it is exciting, fresh, insanely fragrant and full of vitamins that are so necessary in autumn.