Delicious and healthy salad of vegetables baked in the oven. For this recipe, you can use different root vegetables, in my version, carrots, parsnips and sweet potatoes are best.

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
The recipe for baked cauliflower, which is served with sesame paste sauce, can be found on many culinary sites. I tried to bake cauliflower in sesame paste with spices, and I really liked the result! Sweet potato is also perfectly combined with a spicy sesame filling, so you can safely cook it according to this recipe solo. Here is a recipe for a bright, hearty and flavorful vegetable dish that will be useful in the days of fasting, save it!
For all avocado and sweet potato fans, this recipe is dedicated. Each component, with the exception of soy sauce, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system of the body (the amount of avocado can be reduced to reduce calories). I recommend to prepare this salad on holidays and enjoy its amazing taste. Instead of lemon juice, the less acidic juice from the tomato is used here.
Broccoli soup with sweet potatoes and chicken can be safely attributed to proper and healthy nutrition. It is light, low-calorie and very useful. Even those who hate broccoli eat it, as a rule, with great pleasure. Yes, to be honest, broccoli is not felt there at all. The soup turns out to be slightly sweet due to the sweet potato, so if you want, you can add a little acid to it – lemon juice, white wine vinegar or a small tomato will perfectly cope with this task.
Congrio fish is called shrimp fish for a reason: its taste really resembles the taste of shrimp. The meat is both quite dense and at the same time juicy and tender. You can cook it in any way, I chose the most traditional: fried in a pan in a light flour breading. Pre-marinated a little. It turned out so well that the 700-gram package – 6 pieces – my wife and I were able to do in one sitting. When specifying the cooking time, I do not take into account the time spent on marinating the fish: it took me two hours, but it can be less.
Sweet potatoes-flavored fried potatoes. A versatile side dish that is suitable for both vegetable, meat, and fish dishes. A savory independent snack. You can cook in different ways, peeled potatoes in a pan or boil until half-cooked, and then cut into pieces, bake or fry. I offer to prepare a simple version.