Dumplings with Cottage Cheese and Dill Recipe


Today we will prepare dumplings with cottage cheese and dill, and we will prepare dumplings from custard dough. Custard dough differs from the usual one in that it is not filled with cold water, but boiling water, this is necessary so that when cooking our dumplings do not fall apart. I will sculpt dumplings in a Varenitsa, if you do not have one, then either buy it or sculpt them with your hands. In General, this dish belongs to the Ukrainian national cuisine. If you are visiting from Ukraine, you can safely cook dumplings. I will also tell you one small tradition, usually dumplings are washed down with milk, be sure to try it, it is very tasty.

Almond Petal Grill Recipe


Almonds, mixed nuts, drenched in sugar syrup, familiar from childhood with the roasting, the “son” of solid paste. It was from this recipe that the grilling mass was once obtained. Grillage is a French dessert made from roasted nuts with sugar. Confectioners refer to grillage candy caramel type, dividing it into hard and soft. Grillage mass is obtained by melting sugar or sugar-honey syrup and adding nut kernels to it. This grill should meet the following consumer properties: do not get stuck in the teeth, do not get bitter, without foreign tastes.