Cake is a sweet dish, usually consisting of several layers (cream or jam layers). Also, cake is the central dessert dish of many festive events: wedding or birthday options. The preparation and decoration of the cake is always the subject of special care of chefs and home cooks. After all, it is a beautiful delicious cake that is the crown of a festive evening, it is expected, guests “leave a place” for it.
Cakes are not prepared at home often, usually for some reason. That’s why you just have to get a delicious cake. And it is very important that the festive option turns out not only delicious, but also beautiful.
If you want to earn the love of children and the affection of adults, learn how to cook cakes. First you will master the simple options, and then you will get unusual and original options.
It is customary to prepare sweet dishes for the New Year’s table. Desserts are loved by both adults and children. Cupcakes are a great option for serving portions. The cream can be made from custard chocolate mass and butter. The cream is conveniently applied to cupcakes with a pastry syringe. And you can also decorate the dessert with confectionery sprinkles, which will add magic to New Year’s toys. It turns out a sweet, tender and very tasty New Year’s dessert.
This is a wonderful pie that I have been cooking for many years. I think it’s time to introduce him to you. Very chocolate, very tasty, every day is festive! From the proposed portion, I prepared 2 cakes today (the diameter of the mold is 18 cm, 3 cakes for each cake) for two worthy men. Wet chocolate cakes do not require impregnation at all. A layer of white and brown cream gives a beautiful shape. In my case, it (the cut) is fresh, so it is slightly greased. When the cream stabilizes, the pattern becomes clear. I was “introduced” to this cake by my sister, who mentioned that they had been buying this cake for all special occasions for a long time (she lives abroad. The name of the cake is “Tuxedo”). I found different versions of this cake and chose the best one for myself. Love for him came with the first bite!
This recipe is a variation of Emily Dickinson’s Christmas cake, with my changes according to my tastes and preferences. In my opinion, this is the perfect Christmas cupcake. At the moment. All the previous recipes that I tried were more dense in structure, more often resembled a fragrant honey cake with fruit. And this pie is loose, moist. It is this structure of cupcakes that is loved in our family. But that doesn’t mean I won’t try the oven and other options. There is no limit to perfection. A set of dried fruits can be chosen to taste, but, as a rule, it should be about 400 g.
The fragrance familiar from childhood is associated with magic and the New Year. An incredibly simple recipe, you will need tangerines and a little corn flour, the cake will become more crumbly and fragrant.
This name is a bit of a joke, I have such cupcakes. Everyone is familiar with the situation when on the 3rd-5th day of the New year’s eve there is a bottle of champagne that no one wants to drink. The remains of peeled tangerines, which the children did not finish, are scattered around the apartment. That’s when you can cook these delicious, tender, fragrant cupcakes.
A small addition to the well-known recipe and the usual chocolate dessert turns into an elegant cake. Those who have tried real brownies know that these are not very fluffy and porous products. That’s how it should be! But I don’t like it so much! So I added a little baking powder. To make it more festive, I also decorated it with Italian meringue. According to my idea, the base should not have been high, so I reduced the amount of dough and curd layer by 1/3 (from the one specified in the recipe). I took the form 20×26 cm . And lo! Brownie-based cake!