Citrus Tart “95” Recipe


On the seventh of December, my grandmother had an anniversary – she turned 95 years old!* Among the treats was this citrus pie. It is based on low-fat shortbread dough stuffed with winter fruits – orange, tangerine and grapefruit, supplemented with zest and cinnamon. The cake is suitable for everyone who observes the Christmas fast, and not only. Try

Lemon Cake Recipe


Well, it seems that what else can be invented in baking lemon cupcakes? Try this option, and what if you didn’t know something? The dough for this pie takes quite a lot of lemon juice and even lemon zest, instead of sugar – powdered sugar. The cake is impregnated with lemon-sugar impregnation. Thanks to this, the taste of the cake after baking is really refreshing. I will say that everything is normal and harmonious in this cake.