Chicken is the bird that we cook most often. Such dishes are one of the most popular. The chicken is cooked fairly quickly, it is inexpensive. Finally, recipes tend to be less fatty and are suitable for most diets.
Cooking chicken is very diverse. Many nations have their own special dishes. For example, the French have such recipes: French chicken with potatoes, fried chicken, baked chicken with vegetables, or cooked in batter. The New Year and Christmas variants are widely known, as a rule, it is baked chicken. The recipe for chicken with apples is available in almost any European cuisine. In Asia, it is often cooked with rice or pancakes. There are also options with potatoes, mushrooms and diet dishes.
But first of all, we need to decide how to cook and where to cook it. It can be chicken baked in the oven, slow cooker, aerogrill, microwave, fried in the usual way, stewed, boiled or smoked. There are hundreds of options for how to cook chicken deliciously. The first thing that comes to mind when asking what to cook from boiled chicken is, of course, salads. But there are other dishes: cream soups, souffles, pies. To boil the chicken quickly and well, you can use a pressure cooker. Using a pressure cooker there it is well boiled, as it is cooked under a lid and under pressure, retains more flavor. For the same purpose, it is prepared in a steamer. There it turns out to be very tender and also to enhance the aromatic qualities of the dish, you can add a little prunes, pineapple, eggplant and zucchini there.
This is a recipe from Israeli chef Mark Gelateria. One of the most delicious pieces of chicken is the thigh, the part of it that is called “pargit” in Hebrew (the thigh without bones). I offer a simple recipe for chicken steak, which is always possible and liked by adults and children.
These are not just chops, but gourmet chops! For those who love chicken! And if you also cook with inspiration, we will get a masterpiece! Come in, my treat!
Tender pate with two types of mushrooms – with fresh mushrooms and dry porcini mushrooms. Spicy, with an interesting taste, quickly prepared and eaten even faster – try it?
Sometimes you don’t want to bother with cooking, from the word at all. But, our condition and reluctance few people care, they need to be fed more than once a day. At such times, I prepare very light, time-consuming dishes, such as chicken drumsticks with rice. The main thing is to cook with inspiration.
Juicy and spicy chicken breast with rosemary, Basil and thyme, with potatoes on ketsi. A frying pan made of red clay (smaller size) or black stone (larger size). It is used in Georgian cuisine. Allows you to prepare juicy flavorful dishes with a minimum amount of fat. Have the same property of the Russian Latka and Bulgarian SAC. You can use any clay dishes for baking in the oven. Healthy food.
Delicious and flavorful chicken with juicy vegetables, cooked quickly. Recipe from the Chinese woman Apang, for which she is very grateful. The taste of the dish is no different from those served in Chinese restaurants.
I suggest you prepare a juicy chicken fillet with filling, baked in foil! This portioned dish is prepared from the most common products, but it is suitable for both everyday lunch and a festive table! The taste is very delicate, pleasant, with the aroma of herbs and spices, and the dish is very tender and juicy.