For sweet tea in the morning or as an appetizer for a family dinner. Delicious, fast.

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
Hello everyone, this time I wanted to cook something simple and delicious, as well as not requiring a large number of ingredients! So I decided to make a delicious sandwich with 3 ingredients. Namely, toast bread, cheese and sausages. It turned out delicious as well as appetizing. This sandwich can be prepared for tomorrow, as well as for lunch and dinner. Thank you all for your attention, good luck!
If you want a pie, and there is no time or desire to mess with the dough, then these toasts will completely replace the famous onion pie.
This simple Burger is good because it does not require a lot of time and effort to prepare it, but the taste fully justifies itself! Using a small amount of ingredients makes it possible to open each of them, and the combination of juicy cutlets, arugula and red onions will definitely not leave you indifferent!
Simply Crispy-the simplest dish, which, however, has become very popular and famous in the UK, Ireland and Australia. Since 2015, there have been stores in Belfast and West Yorkshire that specialize in selling only crunchy sandwiches. In Ireland, they are called Tayto sandwiches after the most popular Irish chips, and the Irish airline Air Lingus introduced Tayto sandwiches to its onboard menu from 2015 to 2016. If you are interested in trying it, then come in. Cooking time 2 minutes and purely culinary curiosity will be satisfied)))