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Cheese and Sausage Sandwich Recipe
Hello everyone, this time I wanted to cook something simple and delicious, as well as not requiring a large number of ingredients! So I decided to make a delicious sandwich with 3 ingredients. Namely, toast bread, cheese and sausages. It turned out delicious as well as appetizing. This sandwich can be prepared for tomorrow, as well as for lunch and dinner. Thank you all for your attention, good luck!
Cook Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
  1. 1) grate the Cheese on a fine grater, and transfer to a plate.2) clean the Sausages from the factory film, and fry them in preheated vegetable oil until the crust is about 2-3 minutes. As soon as the sausages are fried, we transfer them to a plate with a paper towel.3) Let the sausages cool down, and then cut the sausages into 4 pieces, first in half, then lengthwise. Also, sausages can be cut into small pieces.4) put a thin layer of cheese on the toast bread, press it, then the prepared sausage, cheese again, and a slice of toast bread on top, press it well.5) reheat the pan, and fry the sandwiches on each side until Golden brown.
    1) grate the Cheese on a fine grater, and transfer to a plate.2) clean the Sausages from the factory film, and fry them in preheated vegetable oil until the crust is about 2-3 minutes. As soon as the sausages are fried, we transfer them to a plate with a paper towel.3) Let the sausages cool down, and then cut the sausages into 4 pieces, first in half, then lengthwise. Also, sausages can be cut into small pieces.4) put a thin layer of cheese on the toast bread, press it, then the prepared sausage, cheese again, and a slice of toast bread on top, press it well.5) reheat the pan, and fry the sandwiches on each side until Golden brown.
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