Open sandwiches can be called snacks in a hurry, which are very quickly prepared and also eaten quickly. The fact is that this dish is very tasty and practical, and whether it will look original depends on your imagination.
Cooking open sandwiches does not require skill and culinary talents – you just need to take a piece of bread up to 1.5 cm thick and put layers of everything that you think is delicious on it. It is important that the products are combined with each other, although in the photo of open sandwiches for the festive table you can see exotic things – for example, butter with pineapple, duck and pear with garlic, dor blue with cranberries, processed cheese with grapes and plums. Many people prefer the classic recipes of open sandwiches, these are sandwiches with sprats and eggs, with sausage and cheese, cheese and butter, with butter and red caviar. The piquancy of the sandwich is given by a ruddy cheese crust – for this, the top layer is sprinkled with grated cheese, and the dish is put in the oven or microwave.
The modern technology of making open sandwiches has become more complicated, more refined ingredients have appeared, and people’s tastes have changed. Imported cheeses, broccoli, capers, chorizo pork sausage, arugula, avocado, mango and other delicacies appeared in the sandwiches.
Smerrebred is a Danish sandwich on rye bread. It can be fish, meat and vegetable. The list of its ingredients tends to infinity. Smerrebred is often used as an independent dish, because it has a large number of ingredients in its composition. Danes know more than 170 varieties of such sandwiches, which can often represent the most unexpected combinations of products. Delicious Smerrebred can be made with sprats or sardines.
These crunchy sandwiches with delicious cottage cheese, nuts and cranberries, flavored with unrefined olive oil and honey are just the perfect snack for white wine and champagne!
Tapas with arugula paste and dried tomatoes – this amazing snack will complement any festive feast. Snack mini-sandwiches made of bread and pasta are not as difficult to prepare as it seems at first glance. It turns out quite satisfying and very beautiful.
The famous toast “Skagen” from the Swedish restaurateur Tore Vretman, whose efforts were collected and promoted traditional Swedish recipes. When foreign fast food began to displace the national cuisine, Vretman by his strong-willed decision introduced this delicious snack into the menu of elite restaurants.
And how all the same fast food attracts us. Therefore, you can sometimes afford it, especially since everything is prepared with your own hands, and instead of high – calorie buns-tortillas, Borodino bread.