I offer a recipe for a delicious cake for tea. Delicate and lush with a funky orange aroma. In addition to oranges, we also add custard to the pie. so we get a pie-cake. You need the most affordable ingredients. which are in every house.

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
Hot meat dish for two.. Very bright taste. Beauty on the plate and a large set of cooking options from existing products. The dish is built on the contrast of Very hot and very spicy meat, followed by the taste of juicy cold vegetables. The sauce gives a special piquancy.. Within a few seconds, your receptors will feel the whole range of salty sweet spicy sour… The closest association is the explosion of taste “ala cranberries in powdered sugar”..
Very tasty, crispy and flavorful breakfast a la pizza. It is prepared quickly, eaten even faster! But do not think that if it is on pita bread, it means that it is not satisfying, it is not so) By the way, I like this recipe not only for its speed, but also for its low calorie content. When you’re on a diet and you can’t eat flour, but you want something delicious – this option is the best!
Chicken is cooked in the juice of sauerkraut, then buckwheat is cooked in this broth, saturated with useful macro-and microelements of cabbage and carrots. Boiled green beans enrich this dish with fiber and other useful elements. If you use lean meat for this dish, then avocado is good for healthy fats here. Tomatoes moisturize buckwheat well, making this dish not only even more useful, but also very tasty.