Do you like to try new ways of cooking familiar dishes, or are you just a fan of delicious pastries? Then our dough recipes with photos are for you! The key to success in cooking any baking is properly kneaded dough. Today there are a huge variety of its variations: for pancakes, yeast and yeast-free, puff, shortbread, sponge, custard, for dumplings and many other options. Everyone who cooks on their own is simply obliged to know how to make dough at home. Most people prefer pizza, cookies, pies and other pastries made with their own hands, and not bought in a store, because only you know your preferences. And in order for food to be only a joy for you, learn how to make dough with your own hands, and enjoy your favorite treats! The preparation of homemade dough can be completely different in terms of complexity and time costs: it all depends on the type of dish that you want to get in the end. In this section you can find recipes for every taste!
Sometimes there is no time to prepare complex composition and execution of cakes and pastries. But such a simple dessert option, in my opinion, will always be a lifesaver for a family holiday tea party. I found the recipe on the Internet, but made small changes to my taste.
On the new year and Christmas table should be all the most delicious and bread including. Homemade Focaccia with olive oil infused with fresh rosemary is very tasty.
A beautiful, fragrant cake will decorate any festive table. Tender dough, combined with meat and vegetable filling – will not leave anyone indifferent. A great option for a hot snack.
Suddenly they called “let’s Stop by, wish you a happy New Year!”, and You have nothing for tea. While the guests are on the road, bake a cupcake, easy and simple, delicious and festive! I recommend it.
I hasten to You with a simple recipe for very tasty and elegant cookies. Absolutely not difficult to prepare, it is sure to give a moment of pleasure to You and your loved ones, and small assistants will be very happy to help in the design.
The smell of the New year is always associated with the aromas of citrus. I offer you a simple cupcake with the taste and aroma of oranges. Recipe for the novice cook, is very simple in execution.
Grated pie, I think, was baked by everyone. Usually it is made with jam, jam. And this one with a delicate sour cream filling. The filling tastes like a souffle.
Remembering my parents ‘ house, I remember that my mother baked pies for all the holidays. We did not have cakes on the table in those distant times, but pies were for all tastes: with cabbage, potatoes, meat, fish, etc. I have a cake for you today, from which it is impossible to break away, a thin crust of cottage cheese dough, a delicious juicy filling, a fairy tale pie! Try baking once and it’s yours forever!
Good day, dear cooks! The most magical time of the year is coming and the brightest and most colorful holidays are coming! In our family Arsenal, there are three cupcake recipes that are completely different from each other. We always prepare them during the winter holidays. Here I hasten to You with the first recipe of the most fragrant rich chocolate-coffee cake with cognac. The taste of the cake is very rich and rich… fragrant, spicy, chocolate-velvety… Thanks to a slightly non-standard method of cooking, the structure of the cake is simply amazing.