Bread of Italian Grandmothers “Ciambella” Recipe


Ciambella is an Italian bread, there are a huge number of recipes, because every grandmother has her own secrets, her own products, and this, as You know, makes the taste different. One of the most frequently used and most favorite additives in bread is olives, herbs and dried tomatoes with garlic. It is with this set that I bake most often.

Crackers “Crunch” Recipe


Very tasty and treacherous crackers-it’s hard to stop! Take with you on the road, on a picnic, as a snack, crunch with beer, but just like that-these crackers are worth trying! Flour can be selected to your taste, as well as seeds and seeds! If the dough is rolled out thinly, we get crunchy crackers, if a little thicker-a little soft cookies.