Wonderful cookies with the aroma of orange and vanilla will instantly give a New Year’s mood!!! In addition, it is very easy and quick to cook, not counting the time for freezing…

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
Two years ago I baked a pie with a carob tree. And recently, a Turkish woman saw an even more interesting molding of a carob pie. I decided to cook from my own dough and filling. Roll out the dough very thinly. The dough turns out to be puff and airy, with a nutty raspberry flavor. The filling can be put sweet and unsweetened, just add protein. If the pie has unsweetened filling, remove the vanilla sugar and reduce the amount of sugar in the dough to 1 tablespoon.
This recipe is a variation of Emily Dickinson’s Christmas cake, with my changes according to my tastes and preferences. In my opinion, this is the perfect Christmas cupcake. At the moment. All the previous recipes that I tried were more dense in structure, more often resembled a fragrant honey cake with fruit. And this pie is loose, moist. It is this structure of cupcakes that is loved in our family. But that doesn’t mean I won’t try the oven and other options. There is no limit to perfection. A set of dried fruits can be chosen to taste, but, as a rule, it should be about 400 g.
This name is a bit of a joke, I have such cupcakes. Everyone is familiar with the situation when on the 3rd-5th day of the New year’s eve there is a bottle of champagne that no one wants to drink. The remains of peeled tangerines, which the children did not finish, are scattered around the apartment. That’s when you can cook these delicious, tender, fragrant cupcakes.