Delicate, sweet, beautiful desserts for tea or coffee are what any meal ends with. It’s not for nothing that the word “dessert” translates from French as “clearing the table” – when the remains of the first courses are taken away, the guests are waiting with bated breath for delicious desserts, the photo recipes of which are presented in abundance in our section.
Easy dessert recipes that every chef will be able to prepare are sour cream ice cream with dried apricots, strawberry Turkish delight, curd-apple mousse with orange jelly, caramelized pumpkin and bread pudding. To enjoy a delicious cheesecake or tiramisu, you do not need to go to the pastry shop, because you can cook amazing desserts at home, and our readers generously share recipes. Some dessert recipes are quick and easy to prepare – smoothies with persimmons, sweets made from nuts and dried fruits, fried cheese with honey and fruits, baked apples, goji seeds and berries.
You can treat yourself to a delicious dessert after the end of the meal, or you can eat an appetizing sweetness just like that – to lift your mood. They are cold and hot, of different caloric content, simple and complex. Chocolate, cookies, puddings, buns, ice cream, honey, sweets, pastille cakes – and this is just a small list of everyone’s favorite dishes!
They can be bought in a pastry shop or in a store, but it is always necessary to take into account the fact that self-prepared desserts are guaranteed to contain no allergy-causing ingredients, excess calories and fat, and also look more advantageous from an aesthetic point of view.
The cooking time varies from fifteen minutes, if it is a fruit salad with cream or tiramisu, and up to two hours for a cake (along with baking). For certain recipes, the products will have to be soaked and prepared in advance, so that then it remains only to mix them and put them in the oven.
From dishes and appliances for making desserts, you will need a whisk, bowls, creamers, baking or freezing molds, a blender, saucepans, sometimes foil, toothpicks and glasses.
Most of the recipes will not require anything that you need to go further than the nearest supermarket, and the stocks of vanilla sugar, whipped cream, zest, mixtures for kneading dough and cream available to each experienced cook simplify the task even more!
Why Devonshire? The name comes from the county of Devonshire, in the south-west of England. These places are famous for their beautiful landscapes, seaside resorts and traditional tea drinking. Tea is served here with skins, strawberry jam and melted thick cream. By the way, the British are divided into those who first spread jam on the scones, and then put cream on those who do exactly the opposite: first cream, then jam. And I found the recipe for these scones from the British culinary writer and TV presenter Mary Barry.
A very popular dessert “Balparmak” is part of the group of Turkish pastries, which are soaked in syrup. It turns out tender, juicy and sweet. The recipe was first described in the cookbook of the great Ottomans, which was published in 1844 and is stored in the Topkapi Palace.
“Pasteis de nata” cakes with custard. These cakes are called “Pate de Belem”, all other “fakes” are simply called “Pate de nata”. Today I have chosen from all possible options a “fake” recipe with the “least” amount of sugar and will use milk instead of cream. Careful, it’s sweet! But very tasty! The Portuguese love sweets!
I bring to your attention a Limburg pie, which combines a sandy-yeast dough with a sweet fruit or berry filling. Today I prepared this pie with black currant. It turned out very tasty and vitamin-rich!
This recipe is interesting, especially for children who are trying their hand at cooking. Only 3 ingredients go to the cake. The cake is prepared without the use of an oven. It tastes delicious! I think when my granddaughter grows up, we will prepare this recipe together again! Here she will be surprised that you can make a cake out of cookies!
I offer another quick-to-prepare dessert of bananas and white chocolate – in two versions – with strawberries and blueberries. It is radically different from the previous one: both in taste and appearance. It is not necessary to beat anything, everything is mixed with a spoon. It is ideal for summer, because cooking takes no more than 10 minutes, and the time for solidification is about 1 hour.