Fish in Poppy-Oat Breading Recipe


We tried this dish for the first time in Turkey. Although I don’t like fish at all, but I liked the taste of this treat and my whole family! Very quickly fried in a boiling deep-fry, the inside remains indescribably tender and juicy, and the crispy crust adds additional flavor notes. I hope you like it!

Roast Goat Meat with Potatoes Recipe


The meat of a domestic goat is my recent discovery! Goat meat, in my opinion, is one of the most delicious types of meat. Contrary to prejudice, it does not have any specific smell. And the taste is something between beef and venison, but closer to venison. Raw meat has the smell of fresh milk, and cooked meat has the smell of simply delicious meat. Of course, you can’t find such meat in a supermarket, you need a seller from a private farmstead. If you are ever lucky enough to find homemade goat meat, then remember this simple and delicious recipe!